sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

"Oceans of  Blood and Transmigration of the Black flame"
Vol II

The second Volume of Sabbatica is a complete grimoire within depth aspects of Black alchemy & Necromancy, in praxis and ritual form, each one of the essays ,visuals , poetry  included here are a key to the mysteries of the blackned light that is hidden within. The initiation process in which the  individual may seek to strengthen and illuminate the self in own black flame.Through this
illumination, we shall carve deep inside the hidden manifestations , oneiric visions and sabbatical  knowledge. Each grimoire is a living talisman emanating its parallel continuity into the astral  realms of death & self trascendence. Edition limited to 77 copies only


*Náhellenia The Nether Moon within 
the Adversarial Path - Ljossal Lodursson

*When the Corpse Quickly Begins to Cool 
- Abby Helasdottir

- Brian Dempsey

*The Skull of Beelzebub 
-  Asenath Mason

*The Alchemical Preparation of 
Daemonic Elixirs
 - S. Connolly

*Spider Sorcerers of  Universe 
- Sean Woodward

*Possession Acts of Theophilia Amicitias 
Immortales Esse Oportet 
- Timothy Donaghue

*The 7 Realms Working 
- Lukasz Grochocki -

*Thantifaxath: The Black Kteis
 - Daemon Barzai -

*The Source Of Magick 
- Arturo Royal -

*Sexual congress : 
The Blackened Serpent and the Communion 
of Lilith & Samael
- Edgar Kerval- 

*Shiva the Destroyer of the Worlds 

*Empowerment of Daath -The Higher Sun 

*XIII - 
Nestor Avalos 

*Thanatos Mandalum - Magick Kazim

*Laid in the Bosom of the Dark Earth 
- Abby Helasdottir

*One Eye Snake 
*Angel of Death  
Barry James Lent

*Spider Sorcerer  - Sean woodward

price $ 80 us (worldwide including registered shipping post)

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